Wednesday, October 04, 2006

As time goes by . . . .

I'm quite shocked at how the past two weeks have flown by! Remember when we were kids & time was all we had?? And how it crawled endlessly when we were anticipating something wonderful like Summer Holidays, or Christmas or Easter??? Now you blink and another week has disappeared. Are we that busy? Are we too busy to enjoy TIME? TIME to spin, TIME to knit, TIME to laugh, TIME to spend with friends & family. I've been reminded sadly in the past two weeks that TIME is very precious when there's none left. It has been said more than once that the only thing any of us begs for before we die is to have more TIME. Savor it. Spend it wisely. It waits for no one.

1 comment:

Louisa said...

I'm feeling the same way about time - it just goes by too fast! It only goes too slow when I'm not having a good time, like in the dentist's chair. However, it helps to consider the alternative - no time at all. ;)