Tuesday, December 03, 2019


I used to be a morning person. I could shower, brush, dress, blow dry & be out the door for work before 6:30 AM so I could have two hours of peace before the others arrived & the phones started ringing. I got more done in that two hours than I did in the rest of the day!! But, for most of the year I went to work in the dark & this time of year, I came home in the dark as well. I hated it then & still hate it now.
Mornings take a lot more time these days. I need two hours just to take the meds, wash, brush, get my shoes & socks on & THEN do all the other stuff most people do before work. I tend to get up after 9 PM unless I have no other choice! I hate time changes. I hope the government pulls the rag out of it's ass & makes a decision about which system we'll be using.

The past 5 days have been busy ones for me. I spent three hours at the JP Hospital on Friday doing all the breathing tests again. And I was there on Monday for another three hours for a cardiac ultrasound. I think I was the only woman there who was NOT getting a mammogram!! Saturday I emptied the mail box & found two parcels, dropped off prescriptions & bought groceries & Sunday I slept most of the day! Today I collected all the little pill bottles & two more parcels. Tomorrow I go to the dentist & Friday I have a Cat Scan. Whooo. Next week I'm just going to sit in the Roomie's old recliner with my feet up & rest.

Knitting - I was over to the locker & found the rest of my sock yarn. I now have ONE 135 litre bin of sock yarn instead of two boxes, one see thru bin & one sweater bin - and a bag or two of leftovers. I have one see thru bin with a broken handle - damn movers - that has THREE sweaters on-the-go in it which will sit on top. In a corner. So my projects are in front of my nose & mostly visible so I know where I am with them.
Two pairs of socks have been finished so far & I'm debating which yarn is next. Maybe some of that expensive European yarn??? I broke down & ordered a couple of $40 a ball on sale for $29 sock yarn for ME. Not my usual practice at all but life is short. And getting shorter at the rate I'm moving these days!

The Roomie & I are sitting watching TV in the middle of the afternoon!! We have the big, noisy fire log on!!  It's crackling away like mad over there but it would be nicer if it gave out a little more heat.

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