Thursday, November 12, 2020

Where's the Damn Telly?

I used to be such a nerd. At one time I built my own computer & fixed it if anything went wrong. Not so much these days .  .  .  .  Yesterday the power went out for about 5 minutes. Not long but long enough for my oxygen compressor to start squealing in panic mode & of course, all the electronics went down without being properly shut off. That includes my TV. I've been recording all the shows I want to see - NOVA, Morse & Lewis, Dr Pol & a lot of British Detective series including Shetland. I love the Knowledge Network & Public TV for their brilliant content. I love a couple of the series on H&G & DIY too. I just can't stomach the damn commercials. 

Since I've been a slug on a log, I've gotten used to watching a lot of TV again - bad for the brain, I know - but I do pick & choose. Anyway, it won't come on. Oh, the signal is there. It keeps telling me to press the return button. What bloody return button???? I used to come down & fix it for poor Marlow all the time when he got a TV with only a remote control. Now why can't I fix it for myself???  Don't tell me my time in the ICU last year killed brain cells too?? 

Knitting - I need a hat right now!! So everything else is on HOLD until I knit a hat. Hoods keep you warm but they impede vision, tuques don't. This is why I need that TV. I knit better in front of it, mind you, I also knit well with an Audio book too. I think it's a good day to die with a Star Trek adventure.

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