I've joined an On-Line yarn club. This is not something I normally do 'cause my pocketbook is always bare since I left my working husband for a mostly unemployed BoyToy. It was LUST that made me do it - oh, not the BoyToy but the Yarn Club! The BT was an accidental acquisition, the Club was not. After all, how can you resist something called The Seven Deadly Spins???? Every two months a package will arrive with a project based on one of the Original Sins. And I need some SIN in my life right about now.
Gluttony is the first Sin package. We had to complete a poem about our stash to start it all off . . . & apparently we also get to chat on Ravelry as well as on our Blog on Blogspot!! I think this is the most exciting thing I've done for myself in eons!! I'm really looking forward to the package arriving next month!! I even had almost enough money left in my Paypal account to pay for it!!
I'll post more about the projects as I get them & include a photo of them as well. In the meantime, Ginny's right hip triangle is almost finished & I'm still contemplating the finishing. I had an idea for that actually . . . when I bought the Denise needles I love so much, I also bought the longest cable they sold. I could pick up all the stitches down the fronts & across the bottom & knit them all in one go. And knit a collar afterwards - I'm sort of leaning toward a seed stitch finish. I have until the Gluttony package arrives to get it done because I just know I'll want to do the first project chop chop!