This coming week will be a busy one! Marlow & I have appointments every single day & that doesn't include SHAW coming to remove a digital whatsis from the wall or the Vital Air man who drops off full cylinders & takes the empty ones away at 5:30 in the morning!!
When I moved in, I transferred my TELUS fax/phone/internet & added digital TV for Marlow. He was unhappy with SHAW & they charge him $40 a month for a phone he seldom uses so we got rid of his services & transferred his number to mine. Neither he nor I realized his phone was connected to a digital box on the wall - they've been trying to charge Marlow for not taking it back - SHAW wants it & it's up to us to return it. I spoke to the local office & they said they only installed them, it was my job to return it. I spoke sweetly to a Customer Service Person 2000 miles away, explained that it was fastened to the wall somehow & asked how to get it off the wall without using a crowbar. They immediately offered to come & remove it for us. I guess it's all in the tone of your voice . . . .
It's been pretty darned hot in the late afternoons here in Bridgeview. Even with the front & back doors ajar & a breeze blowing through, it's still hot later in the day. The new porch does give us some shade now that the old tree is gone but the house has to be closed up at night or the raccoons invade!! They love dry cat food. I think we need more cats or a dog to fight them off!
No Knitting has been going on even though I have yarn. It's too hot & I'm still working on bookkeeping stuff . . . .
The musings of a rapidly aging fibre addict who finally retired to enjoy her habit!
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The Dawg Days

Haven't been doing too much knitting because my thumbs have been really sore. Hopefully, that will change as the weather settles. I have several projects that I'd like to finish before I die!! The current car sock is almost finished - just a part of the toe to finish!! Wooo hooo And I bought a summer project to knit in tropical colored cotton yarns. Just a simple wrap that caught my eye but something comfy to curl up in when it's breezy. And if I can find the energy, there's a couple of projects left over from last year that caught my eye . . . I have the yarn in a bag - somehow it walked into my car - but not the book with the patterns. Hopefully, all the books ended up in the same box in storage.
Lara's Vest |
Kudos for the new Urgent & Primary Care Unit at the hospital. They've seen me every week since I walked in a couple of weeks out of the hospital. They like to take the time to treat the whole person. None of this 'We can only talk about TWO things today' business that the corner Clinic uses. That's what got me into trouble . No one knew my heart was failing because I wasn't allowed to talk about all my symptoms at the same time.
I now have a new Doctor & a Respiratory Therapist. And a personal Pharmacist. All my questions are answered fully or researched if no one knows. Of course, my whole history & notes from the moment I hit the hospital are on the screen for all to read. From some of their responses, it must be even worse than I know so I've given permission for all my support people to access them. Until I turned 60 & got the flu that paralyzed my left vocal chord, I've never really had any medical emergencies. So all of this is new to me. And it's so nice to be treated like a rational human instead of a symptom.
Thursday, July 04, 2019
The New Normal
Still finding my way in the morass of paperwork, tests & appointments linked to a traumatic illness. Still making mistakes along the way because I overestimate my stamina. I have to get a kick in the ass learn the hard way that some things can't be ignored or bypassed. The other day I had to return equipment to the Hospital after wearing it overnight to record my oxygen levels as I slept. Was already tired when I parked in the drop-off area, took off my oxygen & decided NOT to go to the hassle of hauling it with me for the 'short' trip in. Not too bad to the elevators but had to hold them for several people, got one old immigrant senior thrust at me by his relative who was also parked in the drop-off with the announcement that HE was going to the 2nd floor - I was going to 1, AND I was getting light headed from trying to breathe deeply. Took the elderly man to his floor, pointed him down the hall & returned to my elevator to go to #1. I'd forgotten how L-O-N-G the corridor was all the way to 1C. Had to sit down to rest before I got there. Trying to hurry without hurrying, I had to sit down before I got back to the elevator. Then I had to lean against the wall in the lobby after I got off while deep breathing. Made it back to my car on wobbly legs, cranked up the oxygen, sat down & breathed deeply. Made a bee line to Church's Chicken for a big cup of ice water & some chicken tenders when I felt I could drive. Ate & drank slowly in the shade while I breathed deeply & read my book. Picked up salad & cold meat pies at Safeway for supper. I was too tired to go beyond the Deli. Came home exhausted - yeah, hardly did ANYTHING - and went to bed. Slept like a dead person until almost 8:00. I can do several small things or one big thing before I'm worn out & have to sleep. It's frustrating. But I'm learning to keep the Oxygen on at all times.
And how are the Roomie & I working out?? We have our ups & downs. If this were a two bedroom/two bathroom house with a family room & a living room/kitchen, we'd be a whole lot better off. But it isn't. And we sometimes want different things at the same time. But, I'm in charge of food & he does the dishes. Most of the time he listens to talk radio - I shudder - and I work on my computer or listen to audio books while knitting or working a jigsaw puzzle. It could be a hellofa lot worse & I'm not sure it will last in the long run. For now, we're making it work because I realize I need a lot more help on a daily basis than I ever suspected. I look strong & healthy but this heart injury has left me weak & fragile which I don't like at all. Maybe things will improve with time & maybe I'll just get used to it. Eventually. My Roomie doesn't always notice when I need help but has no problems helping when asked.

Knitting/Spinning - still working on that sock with really sore hands. Finally got the prescription strength Tylenol for my hands & knee. We'll see if this does any good. I am not allowed Ibuprofen at all. Tomorrow I'm going to buy a lock for my storage locker & will be able to root around inside for that dry dry Romney to spin . . .
And how are the Roomie & I working out?? We have our ups & downs. If this were a two bedroom/two bathroom house with a family room & a living room/kitchen, we'd be a whole lot better off. But it isn't. And we sometimes want different things at the same time. But, I'm in charge of food & he does the dishes. Most of the time he listens to talk radio - I shudder - and I work on my computer or listen to audio books while knitting or working a jigsaw puzzle. It could be a hellofa lot worse & I'm not sure it will last in the long run. For now, we're making it work because I realize I need a lot more help on a daily basis than I ever suspected. I look strong & healthy but this heart injury has left me weak & fragile which I don't like at all. Maybe things will improve with time & maybe I'll just get used to it. Eventually. My Roomie doesn't always notice when I need help but has no problems helping when asked.
Knitting/Spinning - still working on that sock with really sore hands. Finally got the prescription strength Tylenol for my hands & knee. We'll see if this does any good. I am not allowed Ibuprofen at all. Tomorrow I'm going to buy a lock for my storage locker & will be able to root around inside for that dry dry Romney to spin . . .
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