Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Real Dawg Days

This coming week will be a busy one!  Marlow & I have appointments every single day & that doesn't include SHAW coming to remove a digital whatsis from the wall or the Vital Air man who drops off full cylinders & takes the empty ones away at 5:30 in the morning!!

When I moved in, I transferred my TELUS fax/phone/internet & added digital TV for Marlow. He was unhappy with SHAW & they charge him $40 a month for a phone he seldom uses so we got rid of his services & transferred his number to mine. Neither he nor I realized his phone was connected to a digital box on the wall - they've been trying to charge Marlow for not taking it back - SHAW wants it & it's up to us to return it. I spoke to the local office & they said they only installed them, it was my job to return it. I spoke sweetly to a Customer Service Person 2000 miles away, explained that it was fastened to the wall somehow & asked how to get it off the wall without using a crowbar. They immediately offered to come & remove it for us. I guess it's all in the tone of your voice .   .   .   .

It's been pretty darned hot in the late afternoons here in Bridgeview. Even with the front & back doors ajar & a breeze blowing through, it's still hot later in the day. The new porch does give us some shade now that the old tree is gone but the house has to be closed up at night or the raccoons  invade!! They love dry cat food. I think we need more cats or a dog to fight them off!

No Knitting has been going on even though I have yarn. It's too hot & I'm still working on bookkeeping stuff  .   .   .   .

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