I took some pictures
I spent the first day of the New Year knitting socks. Not a bad occupation when you really think about it! When you consider the alternative was a corporate tax return, well, the sock was my preferred choice. I got this weird orange/pink yarn, Confetti, I think, sometime in the last year. I'm not even sure when but when the days were really dreary & grey, it kind of called to me. Orange is not my usual color but socks should be wild & fun - especially in the winter!!
I bought this yarn for my mother. I like Invicta. My first two pairs of socks for myself were knit from Invicta about 9 years ago & I've only JUST put a hole in one of them!! Mom isn't as adventurous as I am when it comes to color but will wear socks with a fair amount of it. She's an avi
d gardener, likes to shop, knits for the greatgrandchildren & was once quite a rockhound. Since my stepfather died last year, I'm hoping she takes up the rockhounding again & gets out with a bunch of new people. So with adventure in mind, I intend to knit this yarn up for her! She mentioned cold feet last time I called . . .
I got a little extra surprise for Christmas for myself. I was slipped a bag in the dark
in the parking lot outside the Pool Parlor where my group knits on Wednesday nites & told this was for ME! No drugs folks but I'm assuming this is sock yarn & will proceed accordingly! A lot of pink & orange is entering my life lately - is someone trying to tell me something?????
And here's the Marble sweater so far. It's knit from the top down in comfy garter stitch & I'm at the armhole stage right now. I've
put all the body stitches on one cable & both of the sleeves are on their own cables. Surprisingly, I've used almost two balls of Marble to this point I think I bought 10 balls all together so if there's a ball left, I'll add a hood!! The Kyler's Kardigan pattern does have a triangular pocket knit into each of the fronts just below waist level - I haven't decided if I want them or not. While it's nice to have pockets, you just end up stretching the whole front when you use them. Something else to think about when I get there.
I've been hanging out at the same Starbucks location a lot in the last few years
so I've gotten to know the people behind the counter somewhat. This year, I found several balls of wild acrylic yarn in my odds & ends basket so I've been knitting fun fur scarves again. I knit them for all of the Girls & have a couple more to go. They sure are fun to make AND wear!! I made them about 5 feet long & 3 inches wide . . . to be worn as a scarf or a fake feather boa!
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