Monday, March 16, 2020


The world has gone mad! I guess I just don't notice what's going on around me anymore because it was just this week that I noticed the lack of paper towels & TP on the Safeway shelves .  .  .  .  When I commented - in my aging confusion - the other person looked at me & asked if I ever read the newspapers. I had to confess that I don't anymore - too much bad Trump & Harry & Meghan. But that didn't explain the TP, I mean, there's plague in the land & people are hiding behind barricades of TP???? They will lock the doors & live on TP & Lysol??? One of my pals told me I was just plain stupid & talked about buying hand sanitizer for $40 a bottle .  .  .  .  & I'm stupid?? Use soap & water. It's cheap & we all have it. Wear gloves. I suppose I just don't live in the same world, two weeks at home to snuggle on the couch, dig the garden, talk to your kids, play board games, clean the garage & relax with pay.     Stay home. Nest. Knit.

I have just signed up for a new Coursera course - Osteoarchaelolgy, The Truth in Our Bones. It's how to get information from bones - age, size, medical condition, diet, etc Of course all these things are approximates within a time frame. Since I've taken all the Dinosaur classes, this one appealed to me next. I don't need any certificates or marks so it's all free for me & keeps all the "little grey cells" functioning.

Knitting content - I also ordered some Briggs & Little sport yarn to knit a kimono style wrap or a big shawl if I'm lazy for working at my computer. Yeah, I could've bought acrylic but wool is warmer & old B&L starts out rough but gets softer & cozier with use. And it's Canadian from sheep to shipper. And I like that.

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