Monday, June 06, 2011

Not much yarny stuff today

I woke up feeling pretty damned good this morning! After three DRY & SUNNY days, my hands have almost stopped hurting. In fact, my hip isn't burning either. Looks like Summer has finally arrived. I knew it was on the way when the Strawberries exploded into action but it really felt like the Wet Coast was gonna STAY wet. We'll probably go from Monsoon to Watering Restrictions in the next couple of weeks. But, the Jungle has decided to make the most of the sunshine we have. I've gone from one Clematis bloom to several & the big, furry buds just keep on coming.

Today I'm cleaning out my bedroom closet. I started at 5:38 this morning! I thought about it long enough & even pulled a few things out. But, today, it's all going to get cleaned out. I haven't done much in there for eons because I'd rather knit or spin or dye or do just about anything other than housework - yuk! But, I know there's all kinds of crap in there that has to go. Good crap, mind you, but still crap to me. Someone once said that there's FREEDOM in divesting yourself of CRAP. We'll see . . .

And then there's the Office.

1 comment:

Linda Wirth said...

Just read your archives and found mention of Queen Kahuna heels. Do you use this heel on all socks? I can see how you would increase on each side but do you continue around the top of the foot at the same time and, when do you turn the heel. Did you buy the book and was it worth it? I will be glad to buy a copy but wanted an opinion from someone who has mastered that heel. I'm way too old and near-sighted to be picking up those tiny, tiny stitches. Thanks a bunch. Love reading your blog!

My e-mail is if you would like to contact me. Thanks again!