The boys at my favorite cafe in the Industrial Park not only cook up a good meal but they try very hard to make the place nice for the grubby clientele. The majority are truck drivers, mechanics & city workers in muddy/dirty boots & unwashed hands most of the year. The boys decided to hang a couple of big baskets of flowers on either side of the door this year so we can bang out heads on one or the other while coming & going from the cafe. But, they're only pretty as long as someone waters them. While visiting on Friday, I took pity on the Fuchsia basket & took it down. It was covered with buds but cooked to a crisp. The staff said it wasn't their job to water it. It's now sitting on my patio table resting in the shade soaking up H2O. I thought I'd give it a day or two to revive before I give it a good clip & see if it will sprout again. I know, it's a hellova way to get flowers!!
I managed to take a shot of the finished Hopscotch socks!! They are pretty & I sort of wish I'd've bought another couple of balls since they would make very nice short summer socks. But, there is some left over out of each ball that will go nicely with other leftovers so I may get another pair of scrappy shorties. And the heel is turned - I'm actually half way down the foot - on the first of my Goth Kitty short socks. Hopefully it will be finished this weekend & the second sock on the needles by Monday. I can use them NOW.
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