Good Gawd, it's the end of Month One of my Renoviction & what have I done? Well, er, nothing. That's not totally true, by the way, but it's mostly true. Someone found an empty apartment a few miles away - a SMALL, one bedroom, empty apartment in the basement of a modern home with a landlady who is still in shock about her former tenant moving out on her. The lady wishes to think about whether she wants to rent right away or get over the trauma for a month or two first . . . . I smell trouble there. Maybe there's more than just a boyfriend reason for the move!! I told my friend, who is a friend of the lady, that I don't have time to sit around & wait while she makes up her mind. Did I mention it's Tax Season as well???
So this next week I am checking out Storage. I need prices & sizes because I have to start moving bins. Even though I'm not taking any furnishings other than a lamp or two, a rustic coffee table & a purple dresser for my TV, the bins all need to fit into it - ALL of them. Maybe I'll just get one with heat & light & move in! I'm also checking out Boxes. I have books everywhere. I have a 200 lb, revolving, 5 layer, pocket book rack from a school library full of books. And there's VHF movies & some Audio Books on cassettes. It all must go. Since I got that book rack & all those books, I've gone electronic. It's so much easier to carry 3000 books around on my ebook reader & it doesn't inflame my thumbs to hold them open to read
I met a fellow in the check-out line at Safeway who has a son working at the Federal jail. He buys all the latest books, reads them & donates them via his son. I have his phone number somewhere & should pack up everything I don't want to move & send them on. I wonder if they take text books??? Note to self - A trip to IKEA for small boxes would help.
On the needles - you didn't think I'd give up knitting did you??? I've turned the heels on the latest car knitting - striped Kroy socks in light grey with dull blue, yellow, red & rust stripes. I am putting blood red toes on them to brighten them up a titch. I love them so far even though they're a little dull - I mean even dull socks can keep your toes warm, right????
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