Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Wow, wasn't yesterday great??? It sure was in my part of the country. Tee-shirt & leggings weather for sure. I binned another bag of recycling - all the plastic tubs I've been saving to freeze berries, put away freezer jam & leftovers. I'm rather embarrassed at how many margarine & ice cream containers I had. There's a huge box of cardboard to go next - yeah, I open all the box ends, fold them flat & stand them in another box so they don't take up much space.

While rooting around in the two third hand wall units - remember them?? Dark brown photographed wood grain paper over particle board, shelves on top & doors on bottom??? They were old when I got them. I found a whole layer of the old leatherette bound Reader's Digest condensed books. I started collecting them in my late TEENS. And moved them for years. But I'm not moving them again.

I also have a lead on a small basement apartment which never hits the market, friends of friends who like single women only. Don't know for sure about it yet but it's another option. And I picked up a load of roast pork & fruit at my favorite Chinese market to celebrate the great day. By the middle of the afternoon, I hit the wall & had to go for a nap! Hahahaha - Not used to all this running around, that's for sure.

I looked at several public storage places within a mile of me for a smallish container - all of my packed bins except the current projects & the sock yarn could go right now. I like the small IKEA boxes too - they have tops & handles & won't take too much weight when full. They would sit nicely on top of the plastic bins in storage too.

Talked to a couple of my old customers yesterday too - they both offered themselves & trucks. But we're all retired & not getting any younger so I suggested I find a storage unit first - If I'm going to the Ex's, I want it close to him & If I'm renting a basement again, I'll want it close to that!!!!  THEN  we take a truck load of bins a couple times a week. That way I clean out what I WANT & dump what I don't by hiring GOT JUNK or someone similar to take the rest. Moving when you're old & have mobility/breathing problems is a pain in the ass. Actually, moving any time is a pain in the ass .  .  .  .


Sue said...

Moving is a pain (I've done it more times than I care to remember) but it is a wonderful opportunity to get rid of a load of stuff you don't really need. Good luck!

Sharon in Surrey said...

I think a good bonfire would be a better option