Thursday, June 24, 2021

Sizzling Thursday

 It's a beautiful day outside but it's too damned HOT to go anywhere!! Today I had an appointment with my eye Surgeon to get the pressure tested in my eyes post surgery. My Optometrist was supposed to do it but I still can't get up that huge ramp to his office to see him. Someone told me there's a door - now unlocked - in the far corner of the mezzanine where he & the druggist are located but it's such a long way around outside from the parking underground that I still can't get there. Maybe if someone installed a couple of benches at the top & bottom of the ramp, I could pull myself up with a rest  .  .  .  .  but no one is willing so far.  But - good news today - my surgeon says I have 20/20 vision in both eyes for the first time in my life without glasses!!! My pressure is good & he says cheaters should solve my fine print reading. I've done so well that I don't even have to see him for the 6 week evaluation. Whoopie.

Tomorrow I'm off to see a physio to be evaluated for walking & climbing stairs to see if I can improve with exercise. I've lost my endurance & ability to walk very far without running out of steam & breath. I am hoping it's just lost muscle tone from being at home on my ass for most of the pandemic & not decreased Oxygen  uptake. Although some of my friends have been pushing me to get a scooter to solve my mobility problems, I'm scratching & screaming every inch of the way. I want to retain some mobility on my own two feet if I can. We'll see what happens in the eval tomorrow morning.

Since we're having a heat wave, I think I'll stay home & wash all the bedding this weekend. I only use a fitted sheet & fluffy throw most of the year anyway but they smell so much better when dried outside in the wind & the sun. This past week I've been picking at my wardrobe & airing my favorite things outside too. All the household towels have been washed & dried in the sun. They smell soooo good. My lungs like this hot, dry weather - I should be living in the desert with a pond full of painted turtles!! I've always wanted to live in a Balinesian - where's spellchek when you need it?? eh? - style house full of ferns, surrounded by palms full of wildlife. Sigh. I do have a small porch  .   .   .   I guess I'll just spin next to  the clothes rack full of laundry on the porch.


Barb G. said...

Glad your are doing well Love your Blog. You say you like Patterson books. Have you tried John Sanford?

Sue said...

A Balinese house surrounded by ferns and wildlife would be right up my street too.

Sharon in Surrey said...

I have read some of Sanford, Barb - I never could get into his 'Prey' series. I do tend to prefer the British police procedurals simply because there's less 'Shoot 'em up' & more 'Outthink them' but I'll read anything I find interesting. I'm working my way thru the Maisie Dobbs series in audio right now!!