Monday, July 05, 2021

Seriously hoping the really high heat is gone
but it was still warm enough when I went for my second jab on July 01! What a Zoo! The signage was not the best & I'd never been there before so I went early. Good thing because the Handicapped parking sure was a LONG way from the door. Halfway to that door, a security guard stopped me & told me to drive all the way around the block to the back door where the clinic was actually being held so I could park close to the door. So I trudged back to the car & drove around. How come they don't tell you these things when you ask for directions??? 

The clinic was very busy, lined up outside the door & we all had to stand. I was quite wobbly by the time I got to the document stations where I finally got to sit down. There were no provisions made for anyone who was unsteady on their feet - I wasn't the only one barely creeping along - but I made it to the benches outside the action room for a long rest. All the chairs were inside the gym with screened off cubicles for every one attending. VERY different from the last clinic I attended where masked people sanitized & stood in line doing paperwork before being directed to one of several seats for the jab & then off to a waiting area before going home. This one seated everyone in organized cubicles in rows where we filled out paperwork, gathered documents & waited for our chat & jab. I had another long rest before my jab. Good thing because then I had the hike to my car .  .  .  after my jab a nice lady asked if I needed a wheelchair ride to my car. I can't imagine what I must've looked like at that point.

Got myself home via Starbucks. It's amazing how fast you recover with some banana bread & a giant Passion Tea Lemonade on board! I made it home, had a sandwich & went for a nap. I woke up 41/2 hours later! 

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