Tuesday, October 18, 2022

A Smokey Fall

I ended up spending
the whole spring & summer on my porch instead of out in my car. My knees are better but the left one is still a little swollen & not quite normal. You know how your fingers feel when your hand goes to sleep??? Well, my left knee feels like it's partially asleep. The right knee is often quite painful & occasionally unstable but I think I can drive since there will be no weight on it. This week, I'm going up & down my ramp & to & from the car just to get back in some sort of shape to drive because I have a Dentist appointment in 10 days. First one since Covid! Whoopie

And I still need Covid vax number 4 so once I'm out again, I have to plan for that! Oh, and a flu shot & my doctor as well .  .  .  .  being housebound is soooo inconvenient!!  My shopper Mike will be so happy to see me out & about again too - he's been unhappy about me staying home all the time. I told him I am not psychologically impaired & too scared to go out, just sore. The poor old knees don't like to bend a lot any more. It's always wise to say these things in public just to remind yourself that you HAVE to get your ass out or people will know you're broken.

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