Monday, July 03, 2023

Return to Civilization

I'm back
from what I thought was to be a brief visit to the emergency because I couldn't breathe in the heat. I thought they'd put me on a nose cone of meds to open everything up. Instead, they called me an emergency & hiked me into critical care & hooked me up!! Apparently, I was in heart failure. Ooops. I've never really understood 'crisis' but I sure do now!! My CO2 levels were really high & O2 levels low. You can't do that for very long & live - especially when you're filling up with fluid & the old ticker is skipping a beat now & then.

To make a long story short, I blew up like a great white whale, couldn't breathe & spent another month in the hospital while they got the fluid, heart, blood & gases adjusted back to normal. I'm still full of fluid but my O2 levels are so good, 96%, that even I can't believe it. I can stand longer, walk further & do more than I have in ages! But I'm tied to a BiPAP machine every night. It forces me to breathe deeply & consistently so I clear the CO2 out of my lungs & brings my O2 up. What a life!!

My buddy Mike kept my house plants alive while I was gone which is extraordinary!!! He is NOT a plant person at all. My niece cleaned out my house & washed everything - including the dusty drapes which shouldn't be washed in the machine!!! hahahaha  She wanted no dust in the house for aunty. I am so grateful to them both.

I wish I had more to report but I lost another month in the Surrey Hospital. It was harder to get out of that place than it was to get admitted!! I thought I'd be there forever. But, I'm back home with my stash & more energy. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to spin again soon.


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