Wednesday, August 16, 2023

More Air

Another week has come & gone with just a small change in my life. The AIR guy dropped by on Monday & took all my small tanks away!! He left me big tanks in their place - I think they're twice the size!! They're twice as tall & just a little bigger around. I know it's silly to get excited about air tanks but these may give me a little more freedom. I can't wait until I can drive to the Railway Cafe & order a sandwich!! And they fit into the very same cart the little ones fit into. That means they'll fit into the holder on Frank, my walker. I can lift them - a little easier since they're much taller - and have no problems putting them into the cart. Now if this heat wave would end . . . . .  I'll be able to go out. I won't even attempt to go anywhere until I hook up a tank & see how long it lasts. 

My blood test was good last week - I forgot about the holiday but they fit me in where they could. So nothing has changed with my drugs. I'll be glad if I could lose the Warfarin though. On the weekend I banged  into the door jam hard enough to get a big swelling just above the elbow. Of course it turned into a black & blue, painful lump. Holy Haemophilia Batman!!

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