I was given a ball of Opal by my knitting pal Gail - I decided to 'save' it for Summer Socks because it was too good to hide under pants all winter. Now, my budget seldom extends to Opal or Lorna's Laces or any of the High End yarns although, I will admit to being MADLY, PASSIONATELY IN LOVE WITH THE RAINFOREST COLLECTION!!!!! Anyone who wants to send me two balls of Ladybug or Parrot will be written into my will!! I intend to get all of the Rainforest Collection for myself even if I have to sell the BoyToy into bondage. Ya know, a little bondage might even do that boy some good . . . . mmmmm
As I was saying - I was saving that yarn for 'someday'. Well, someday came. I wound that ball into two smaller balls & cast on the ribbing last nite. By the time my friend Kelly & the Dirty Little Dawg - my wrestling partner - went home, I had both socks to the heel increases . . . Ain't it amazing how fast interesting yarn knits up??? Now, I could never get this far if the yarn was black or grey or dark brown.
I must get my butt in gear sometime this week & cast on the yarn for my latest project - DIVING SOCKS. One of my client/friends has taken up diving. Our coastal waters are pretty cold & he complains of freezing feet in his dry suit. So, I've offered to knit some experimental socks for him. I spun up some alpaca & some wool for the first pair. I'm going to knit them up in a fairly firm fabric to start with so he can test them out & let me know how warm they are. I'm also going to card some doghair, llama & wool together, spin it up & knit another pair for comparison. Who knows, I may start a new business in handspun, handknits . . . . they also want thin gloves but I'm not sure I want to go there!!