And Here We Go AgainThe BoyToy had an appointment at the UBC Hospital at 9:00 AM yester
day. It was made by the Disability Insurance company in Ontario without consulting us or giving us time to change anything. And then it snowed. Just enough to ice up all the hills. We left Surrey at 7:06 AM knowing the route to the Alex Fraser Bridge & the EastWest Connector was a parking lot. We thought we'd sneak thru our backroads, go over the Patullo Bridge & go the old route down Marine drive. It took us an hour & a half to get TO the Bridge & another 20 minutes to get past the traffic trying to get to the Connector from New Westminster. Once we hit Marine Drive, the snow disappeared, the sun came out & we flew into the University only a half hour late. The Doctor was surprised to see us!!!
I got the heel increases done on one sock while I waited in the $3.00 an hour parking spot! Eventually we got home. I took two aspirins & went to bed for a nap.
All of this cut into my knitting & spinning time but, who knows??? Maybe the Insurance company will finally bite the bullet & PAY! Then I can choose the travelling wheel I want. I've finished the Indian Sweater & the touques. I've started socks number ONE for the year but been too busy to finish them. I've been spinning Arvik hoping to start on that sweater & now I really, really want to get into that 15 pound bag of goodies!! I want to win the Lotto!! I want my fibre time back . . . .
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