Oh, I fell into SIN today
Yes, I sinned today. I promised my bent & broken credit card I would use it no more until the balance was severely reduced. Today I wrestled with Temptation & Temptation won. I had the card out to pay for my old Douglas College transcripts - it seems after 15 years of taking part-time courses at the Open University, I'm required to submit a really old transcript so they can check to see if I actually completed the courses they checked 15 years ago when they let me in. They even have the courses on the computer but they aren't "Official" for Graduation. So I had the card out to pay for the Transcript to be sent by "Snail Mail" - they mustn't be touched by human hands between being sealed by one Institution & opened by the next & only a physical copy will do.
And then this email came in from Amazon . . . And I took a look. Danger, Will Robinson, Danger! It was already too late. I got a deal X3. And free shipping, too! And what did I get?? Well, EZ's Knitters Almanac which I've been wanting but it was too expensive when I saw it - do you know that a couple of On-line shops are selling USED copies for up to $86!!! I got it new for under $9. I got Arctic Lace - Knitting Projects & Stories Inspired by Alaska's Native Knitters - I've read about this one but hadn't seen it anywhere local - got it on sale at 40% off!! And I got Jane Slicer-Smith's new book, Swing, Swagger, Drape - Knit the Colors of Australia - I love her designs & wanted to see how she does it.
This is my present to myself this year! When I'm snowed in this time around, I'll be happily reading, listening to the latest audio books & spinning. I almost can't wait!!
1 comment:
Hmmmmmmmm.......non-essential gifts for yourself, what a novel concept! You know,I LIKE it! You so deserve to be pampered.
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