I tore apart my living room yesterday to move furniture out. A large microwave cabinet has been parked next to the small freezer, slowly accumulating a mountain of STUFF for almost 4 years. It was supposed to go to the BT when he moved to his new place & got his boxes unpacked. But, he never unpacked. He's been banished for a year & a half now & the cabinet was still there, full of yarn & covered with crap. The Family sized Slow Cooker, still in the box, that the BT's son gave US for Christmas several years ago, ended up in MY living room next to the cabinet, covered with - you guessed it - crap.
One of my friends left her husband & started a new life recently. I donated a blender, a kettle, the slow cooker, the cabinet & the rocking chair - which I bought for myself & couldn't even use because I had no space in my damn living room!!! She borrowed the company van & we loaded up the furniture & it went away last nite!!! She also got a whole mess of spider plant babies sitting in a jug of water!! We decided the Family sized Slow Cooker will go to the Women's Centre just down the road from me where they offer meals along with other services. Its way too big for either of us alone.
I have a hellova mess in there but I now have empty space! And, since I have empty space, I can now move other things around - like that 800lb couch I don't use that the BT left me because he had nowhere to put it in his little bachelor next door. Oh, I nap on it a couple times a year but would rather have a recliner & storage. I can use that space to hide a couple of big bins of yarn under a nice afghan or lay a top on the bin & use it as a coffee table . . . . And since I'm moving the couch out, I think I'll move out the halogen lamp that just died, two printers that don't work, the office chair that needs replacing & three boxes of documents from clients that have died, moved or abandoned them. Holy crap!! It's a revolution!