Sunday, May 02, 2010

I've lost my car cup!! My beautiful, red, - with Christmas motifs & a snowman inside - Starbucks cup that I leave in my car & take everywhere!!! Boooo hooooo - I think I left it at the Desert Mesa Retreat! I thought it was packed up somewhere & knew it was missing on Wednesday but hadn't had the time - tax season - to go through every single basket, bag & reach under the seats in the car until this morning. I had looked in the back seat but had not pulled all the 'stuff' out & really checked under seats & down wheel wells. Sigh. If anyone knows where my little cup is - puuuuuulllease send it home.

I've continued to spin a little each day - today, I spun a whole 'bump' while watching a David Suzuki special on China's forests. And, I didn't get dressed till mid afternoon today - I'm taking it easy for a day or two's rest after Tax Season & before jumping in to the "self employed" boxes!
And the Ex's feet are so much happier & warmer in the socks I gave him, they're all he's using right now. I rooted out some Regia "Jet Set" sock yarn in another grey pattern & a lovely dark blue to cast-on another couple of pairs. I figure I'd better get another couple knit up for him before he wears holes in the 4 pair he's got!!! I was going to knit a pair of Monkey socks but I'm not ready for size 13wwwws, so they'll just have to wait a while longer!

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