Monday, January 27, 2020

Almost February

I can't believe January is almost over & I don't remember a lot of it. It was fast & yet slow - maybe it was all the 'Hurry up & Waitness' of it all that messed me up in January. Marlow's cat even disappeared for a while & then was just there waiting one morning. He used to get up every morning around 5:30 & let her in for breakfast & a cuddle in the big chair before he went for coffee with his cronies. Now she shows up on the front porch & waits until I flush the toilet in the morning - she knows I'm up & lets out a howl for breakfast. She eats her fill outside - she won't let me come near her - then the black feral cat eats what's left. Gotta have a cat around here or the mice will take over. I will try to tame her before I have to move so that she isn't left to starve .  .  .  .

It's been a tough month in some ways & easy as well. There are a lot of things that I can't do, some I can do with a lot of effort that I'm probably not supposed to do & things that I can do which are easy to let someone else do. Eventually, I will have to move. But maybe, when the will is probated & the dust all clears, just maybe, I can stay here for a while. I need an accessible bathroom & bedroom. I think handrails on the stairs down to the bedroom might make it more accessible for me. I like sleeping in a cool room & upstairs is too damn hot!  I'd put a sliding door in the back wall of the bedroom for egress & access to the garage, the patio & my freezer. The bedroom's big enough to set up my sewing machine, serger, TV & my stash. And it still has all the book shelves & extra plug-ins. 
The accessible bathroom will take a bit more figuring. I think the best way to deal with it is to rip it all out & start over!
I can shop & cook for myself, I can use the new Dyson cordless, I can wash dishes - I hate dishes - I figured out the jury rigged washer although I'm not sure about the dryer, I get the garbage into the cans & carry in my own groceries if I do it one bag at a time.

It would be so much simpler to rent an accessible apartment with all the amenities. But where do I find one in this tight market?? It might make more sense to fix what I have & give myself the time to find what I need for the long haul than move into something that won't work any better than what I have  .   .   .   .

Knitting Content - not a bloody stitch. I've been sleepy, foggy, clumsy & my hands have been giving me hell. Arthritis responds nicely to emotional upsets. Now that I have my blood pressure back down where it should be, I've been looking at new wrap patterns & simple garter projects - no Stephen West projects for me for a while!!

1 comment:

Louisa said...

You’re just in a cloud of grief right now so don’t expect too much of yourself. Things will hopefully resolve eventually and you’ll be able to figure out your options. Thinking good thought for you, hon’! Take care.