Saturday, December 22, 2007

We have Scarves

I got talked into shopping at Walmart last night. I guess I deserved it since I whangled the cheque that financed this operation for my stoney-ass broke friend!! We went at midnight. My passenger told me Walmart was now open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I hate shopping this time of year & try not to darken the doorstep of ANY Mall in the month of December. And I went to Walmart on December 21/22. To say I dreaded it would be an understatement. Well . . . . it turned out okay. The parking lot was almost empty - hoooray. Lots of carts rolling around in the parking lot too - what is it with people??? Why are they so lazy & ignorant?? Anyway, we spent 2 hours in the joint, loaded up a cart with pyjamas, underwear, socks, bath goodies, make-up bags, uncounted girlie gifts, groceries & some nice MOM gifts too. I insisted on MOM gifts. We spent $322 & change. And I even got a bag of cherry Twizzlers & a bottle of Vanilla Brown Sugar body lotion . . . . . This family wasn't going to have any money for Christmas. So I was quite proud of myself.

While waiting for midnight, I turned the Dollar Store novelty yarn into two scarves for two girls. It was too difficult a yarn to knit the hats that I intended to make - it doesn't like small needles at all. So I found some needles the size of my ring finger & knit long, skinny scarves for both of them. They're stretchy, wrap around the neck a couple of times & are soft & flirty! Apparently the Dollar Store staff didn't know what to do with this yarn so I'll have to knit a sample for the store. But the girlie girls will love these - their mom does already. I call the pink one FEATHERS & the blue one FRINGES because that's what they look & feel like. I think I love them both. I'd use either one for a big yummy collar on a simple sweater.

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