Just bring me the money
Oh, I love the early part of the year when the Taxman calleth. This year he actually got his butt in gear & got not only the tax programs ok'd early but even got the Summary software up & running almost a month early on the website!! I bet some of those government employees actually worked in the month of December!! Imagine that??!!So, I'm anchored to the computer, spewing forth mountains of paper for the Taxman. Nothing like a few T4s to get your blood running in the morning . . . . .
So, the sun is shining & I'm in the office pounding on the keyboard - but not for long. I & the latest Ugly Opal sock are heading for Starbucks to knit & work on my tan. Remember
the socks from the last post??? Well, the heels are turned & I'm on the home stretch, on the way to the toes. Usually I put a contrasting toe on most of my socks but I won't be doing that for these ones. The BT's mom is really hard on the upper toe of her socks - comes from having a shortened tendon in one big toe apparently. This causes the nail to rub against the TOP of her sock & wears a hole in it quite quickly. Since all my solid yarn which matches anything in the is sock is Sisu, I've decided to knit all of it the same AND reinforce the toes with fuzzy nylon. I have a lot of fuzzy nylon in several colors which I bought to reinforce heels & toes. I learned that most people don't need reinforcing since most sock yarns are at least 20% nylon & they wear very well. But, the BT's mom needs it because of her strange toe. Good thing I'm a packrat who doesn't throw things out . . .
And the right hip triangle in the Ginny sweater is progressing nicely. I figure by the time the weather starts to warm up to early flowers, I'll have a new sweater to wear . . . . . .
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