Sunday, July 29, 2007

Spinning the day away . . . .

The BT is supposed to move this weekend.
I've tried to get him motivated to do something
since the apartment has been open to him for a month. I've even boxed up & delivered canned goods & stuff stored at my house to his new basement home, but HE hasn't moved a thing to date. I decided on Friday that his move isn't MY responsibility & I wasn't going to help him move this time. So, I made plans to be busy for most of the weekend. What I can't see, I won't worry about - right????

So I spe
nt Saturday, across town, Spinning. Karen, Gail & I decided NOT to go to the Spin-In at the Stewart Farm in Crescent Beach this year & we organized our own instead. Gail got snagged at the last minute to babysit - a REAL, tough job now that Freya's 17 months old & moves like the wind!! But Granny Gail bravely volunteered to deal with all that cuddling & kissing!! Karen & I has to spend the day spinning without her.

I finished up spinning all of my Purple
Passion silk & merino from Aurelia Fibres - I have three big fat gorgeous skeins!!! And I even managed to spin up a small skein of the beautiful Brown Sheep mill ends I bought from Carol Lee at the Sheep Shed last year!

Karen was spinning some silk that she Crock-Pot dyed in greens & yellows. She wasn't sure what it would be but she thought it might end up in a shawl. Karen loves shawls AND lace knitting. I got to peruse her large collection of books - it's so nice to see what's in the book before you buy it!! Karen's now got Gail knitting her first lace shawl out of handspun! Gail spun up the greeny/browny/goldy roving, made a two ply yarn & has started knitting it from the bottom up on her new Denise needles!! I'll have to post a picture when I see it again.

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