Friday, April 14, 2006



GRANNY GAIL has just sent me this photo of her new best girl!! FREYA was born on Wednesday just after 6:00 in the PM.

My birthday is on Easter Sunday this year. I can only remember one other time my birthday fell on Easter weekend & I think I was 11 or 12 then . . . . my family had driven to Armstrong, BC for the holiday. My Mother's eldest sister lived there on a dairy farm with the biggest asparagus patch you ever saw. We loved the place with its huge hayloft, stumps to climb & all the cows to call home at night - I know now that they would come home by themselves but we thought we were important then. I remember Armstrong still had party lines then & wooden two-part phones that you cranked to call out . . . I sometimes think about what kinds of spinning, weaving & fibre prep tools were hidden away . . . . . Wish I could go back & claim them all!!

The Snotty Green socks have been transformed. I've added a couple of inches to the foot as well as finished the toes in SISU in a Candyfloss pink. They look great. I've just finished the first sock & am finishing up the second - I know if the lady who ordered these doesn't like them, the BoyToy's mom will! That woman will take anything in pink or turquoise - especially if I knit it up. I've also managed to add a couple of inches to my "Ginny's" sweater although its coming along slowly right now. I just don't have the time . . . . .

Tax season proceeds. While you folks are eating ham dinners & sneaking chocolate treats, I'll be finishing off year ends & tax returns. Remember the deadline - APRIL 30 . . . . . Enjoy everyone!

1 comment:

Louisa said...

Awww...Freya is so cute! Give my congrats to Gail-Granny from Louisa-Also-A-Granny, Sharon.